No matter what your tax situation is, whether you are a business owner or an individual tax payer, Running the Numbers can help you plan your future tax position and ensure you meet you taxation obligations.
We understand that dealing with the ATO can often be time consuming, frustrating and leave you feeling overwhelmed and confused. It doesn’t need to be that way! We are here to simplify and help you understand what your obligations are as well as make sure you meet them.
We can prepare your income tax return in a meeting with you or you can submit your information to us online.
Individual Income Tax Return Fees
In Person, By Phone or Via Email
Fees include email and phone support. Additional fees apply for mobile service.
Please note that tax return fees must be paid prior to lodgement of your return (Bank transfer, Eftpos and Credit Card available)
Standard Income Tax Return
Includes the following:
- Consultation with Chartered Accountant;
- All PAYG Summaries;
- Interest income;
- Up to 10 investment income statements (interest and dividends – excl managed funds); and
- Up to 10 deductions (excl MV log book)
Standard Income Tax Return + Rental
Includes the following:
- Consultation with Chartered Accountant;
- All PAYG Summaries;
- Interest income;
- Up to 10 investment income statements (interest and dividends – excl managed funds);
- Up to 10 deductions (excl MV log book); and
- One rental property
If rental property is owned jointly, standard tax return fee will apply for the second income tax return.
Additional rental properties – $100 per property.
Standard Income Tax Return + Sole Trader Income
From $300
Includes the following:
- Consultation with Chartered Accountant;
- All PAYG Summaries;
- Interest income;
- Up to 10 investment income statements (interest and dividends – excl managed funds);
- Up to 10 deductions (excluding MV log book); and
- One business schedule
Price is based on information being provided to us in a summarised manner. If collation of records from receipts is required, additional fees may apply.
Other Services
We offer a comprehensive range of services. Please contact us with any requests including, but certainly not limited to the following:
- Activity Statements from $180;
- Taxable Payments Reports from $165;
- Capital Gains tax calculations and advice;
- ABN Applications;
- GST and PAYGW Registration;
- New entity set-ups
- Fringe Benefits Tax calculations and advice
- Single Touch Payroll